Saturday, March 28, 2009

RCA Selectavision CED Player Advertisement

Some of my earliest entertainment memories were of a rented RCA CED videodisc player in the early 80's and spending hours watching The Hobbit, Star Trek II, and The Last Unicorn. Such a weird format - video vinyl, essentially. Too bad it died quickly.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Scary: Poltergeist II (1986)

Part One in a series of scenes that still still creep me the heck out.

Julian Beck and Craig T Nelson in POLTERGEIST II: THE OTHER SIDE

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Birthday [Cake]

The Six-Month Mini-Celebration continues...

Happy Birthday (kind-of)

Today is the wee child Simon Collins's 6 month Birthday.

As this blog is dedicated and pretty much belongs to him, a moment of silence is in order.


He'll have some banana in celebration this evening.


Friday, March 20, 2009

The Roger Dean House

Roger Dean (born August 31, 1944) is an English artist, designer, architect and publisher. He is best known for his work on album covers for musicians which he began painting in the late 1960s. The covers usually feature exotic, fantastic landscapes.

In recent years, Roger Dean has focused a great deal on his architectural ideas. He has designed both homes and sustainable villages. As a designer, Dean has developed all aspects of his homes, from construction techniques to emotional comfort and security. The design of these homes is based on his Home For Life concept, a house that is artistically beautiful and environmentally kind, but cheap and quick to build.

If I ever acquire a small fortune, this will be built as a 2nd home in my back yard.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Laurie Lipton

Laurie Lipton was born in New York. She was the first person to graduate from Carnegie-Mellon University in Pennsylvania with a Fine Arts Degree in Drawing (with honours). She has lived in Holland, Belgium, Germany and France and has made her home in London since 1986.


By Mark L. Lester, DGA

Chances are, you’ve seen Commando with Arnold Schwarzenegger because it is, without a doubt, the greatest film of all time. I should know. I directed it.

Naturally, a lot of people stop me on the street and ask, “Mark, how did you ever make a movie as great as Commando?” I usually smile and say I just happened to be holding a bottle in the middle of a lightning storm. They always laugh. I bet you did, too, because you realize that this film wasn’t an accident, just like Jesus wasn't an accident. It took real vision to pull off, starting with the theme of a parent’s love for his child, and the lengths he will go to to get her back from a wily South American dictator. Also, it has explosions, and a rockin’ saxophone-driven soundtrack that really gets the people moving in their seats.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009